We were out and about last weekend sniffing the spring air. Johnnie and Kim, along with Rita and Bobby, came out for New England boiled dinnah Saturday night.
Rita and Bobby are part of the upcoming beach house inhabitants of South Carolina. It was great to meet them!

We will all be here soon!

Sunday Matt and I went out to brunch, to the 17th Annual Bangor Garden Show, and then to Belfast to shop at "Oceanside Big Lots." We found bargains on this deck lounge chair and planter.

From Belfast we headed to Eddington to visit Johnnie and Kim. Kim was in the midst of baking biscuits and the beans were done. Perfect timing!
Your new "planter" is called a Strawberry Jar. Plant strawberry plants on the top and in the holes. Impatients, if the jar is in the shade, also do well. Wax Begonias do well under any circumstances and last into the fall. Advice from your friendly gardner.
Today, in the rain, we went to Pawley's Island and dug up more Wisteria to cover the lattice on the carport. The Wisteria grows wild on and abandoned lot so we took what we needed.
The directions to your rental, which I gave you earlier, need correction. There is a traffic light at the turn to North Litchfield and one can make a left turn across the northbound lane.
Good advice, I think I will go with the wax begonias because I have a poor history with strawberry plants and the deck gets full sun so impatients won't work. Congrats on your wisteria plant heist. Did you dress all in black and take those plants after dark?
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