Thursday, January 03, 2008

Plans are under way...

For a yearly ice fishin' trip.
Who knows where they will end up this year?
These pics are from Mesquacook Lake, 50 miles north of Ashland, in an unknown territory.
Smitty loves cats!
It's all about the hole.
You may get in, but you may never get out.

But you will have a good time, Mark did!


Unknown said...

David says:

I still have 5 fishing traps left. I love going ice fishing. I envy you guys.

Unknown said...

David says:

Anyone need a lesson in how and where to catch big salmon in the Spring?

susan said...

Shut your trap, pack up your traps, and come ice fishin.

Unknown said...

David says:

You have me all worked up now. I'm about that close to packing up for real.
But.................. In think I'll save myself from frostbite and wait for spring.