The new addition to the toy collection. We decided to buy a used camper for the first season at the lake, as opposed to building the first year and wishing we had put the cabin facing another direction.

This fine Uncle Henry's find works for me and Annie.

Johnny and Kim were on board to help break in the home away from home.

Thank God it came with the manuals!

Little, tiny, tiny kitchen.

Johnny found his favorite spot.

You flat
landers have no appreciation for these flowers the way that we do.

JD is getting geared up.

The barn is open for business and the garden tilled.

Sid gave us a big pile of cow shit.
WOW, Spring has sprung!
Right now we plan to come to Maine after the first of July and stay until Christmas.
Plant a good big garden. We will have plenty of time to weed and till.
At present, your mother feels capable of the trip.
When do you plan to put the camper on the lot?
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