Her Harley collar this Halloween season reads "Bad to the bone" and her legs are wrapped like she had been in a bar room fight. Ever try to put a bandage on a dog's elbow?

In case you don't know her, this is not a costume. Annie has been fighting Thrombocytopenia, also known as Evan's Disease for about two months now. This condition refers to an abnormally low blood -concentration of platelets, which are blood cells that promote blood clotting after injury to the lining of the blood vessels causing bruising and internal bleeding. She has been through weekly blood draws, a ton of different medications, bladder infections, more meds, and now has two ulcered spots on her elbows. Most recently, her blood cell count and platelets are up and our bank account is low.
Our girl is worth every penny and so much more.
Poor baby
I know, isn't she pathetic and so darn cute?
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