It was so nice to be able to walk around the yard tonight and see what's bloomin. This is Uncle Franks's rose bed, which blooms better every year based upon his advise of beer as a fertilizer.

The Emily tree continues to grow and spread new wings.

Dad's arbor is over run with flowering maple.

The pool is ready for a swim.

I keep waiting to see hummingbirds at their feeders. Birds swimming in the "Jerry" bird bath, and be able to sit on the bench without 62,512 misquitos eating me alive.

I was finally able to stain and stencil my herb garden bed.

Almost ready for planting.

We were finally able to mow and appeciate the bloomin yard.

As always, Annie keeps watch. It's so good to get outside.

We found these little skinny hosta two years ago in the woods and moved them to the front of the house. They have grown so much, especially with the recent 65 days of rain.
The arbor stood up well considering all the snow this season. Everything looks green and lush. Is the Virginia Creeper still alive? Cut back that weed you call a Flowering Maple.
The temperature here reaches the low nineties every day so yard work must be done early in the morning. We have walked the beach only once this year. Discovered the marsh walk in Murrell's Inlet. Had a good trip to Charlottesville and a Father's Day viist with Jay.
Somehow your mother got out of the room at the motel at 3 a.m. and was wandering around the hallway in her nightgown. A desk clerk was bringing her back after they rang the phone in the room. That puts an end to any trip to Maine this summer. Things are not improving.
Mom might as well walk around our house at night, I frequently do, as walk around a strange hotel. Come to Maine!
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