Thanks to Matt and Kim's extensive web searching, we are booked to take the big old air jet liner outta here!!! We leave Bangor at 12:57 on Saturday, April 14th and arrive in Myrtle Beach at 5:17 pm, by way of Philadelphia? We have rented a car at the airport, so they tell me, but I'm sure Mom and Dad will be there to greet us. We booked our flights with travelocity, so everything is subject to change. Dad, I still don't have the address of the "Driftwood" in North Litchfield, but will get it to you soon so you can check it out.
Glad to get the dates and time you will be here. We will be waiting at the airport if the creek don't rise.
Had to have Roto Rooter this P.M. to replace the guts and hoses for a flush. They were here fifteen minutes; the charge was $149. Are surgeons paid that much.
The address for "Driftwood" is
88 Seaview Loop
North Litchfield
Also: The balance of payment $1239.00 is due by 3/15/07.
Kim, John, Kip and Sandy are paid.
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