About spring being in the air. We were laced with 13 inches of snow today. It was a rough, yet adventurous, commute to work this morning. A grill with this much snow on it is a sure sign that this early time change may not be right, or Mother Nature is just screwing with us again.

Annie thought the snow was great!

She helped me make one of the last snowmen of the season, maybe?

Our snow person has South Carolina on its mind!

Beach bound!!!
That much snow in April is considered fertilizer by Maine farmers. I would rather spread cow dung than shovel that much snow. Spring is leaving South Carolina this weekend becasue we are threatened with below freezing temperatures. We will once again carry and cover the flowers which we planted earlier. One snowman a year is sufficient.
I beg to differ. I would rather watch a spring snow melt than spread cow dung. One snowman a year is not sufficient.
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