Sunday, October 07, 2007

Big doings of the weekend.

Butch, Matt, and I attended the Special Olympic "Fly-in" fund raiser.
The co-pilot was was coming in loud and clear.
The view was beautiful!
I asked the pilot why a little green light was flashing "alert." He said "Oh I don't know. Don't worry about it."
Matt had to ride alone with the pilot due to capacity limitations.
Then we went to "Governor's" for lunch.

I stopped by Johnny and Kim's and the birthday gifts just keep on comin!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

David says:

Wow, you guys have all the fun. Butch is definetely a well seasoned thrill rider! Sure looked like a fun time to me.

The "Fall" shot from the plane is a beauty. It is usually how I think of , Maine. Have a great Maine day. Stay green--